February meeting
Our speaker for the February meeting was Debra De Lorennzo, who primarily talked about the Quilt Symposium 2022 and answered questions but also treated us to a variety of beautiful quilts.
Highlights of the discussion include:
The most recent information will be available on the Quilt Symposium website, Instagram and Facebook pages.
Bags will not be handed out this year so it is encouraged to make your own. There may be spot prizes given out for nice bags
There is a range of New Zealand and Australian based tutors lined up, with options available in case of any disruptions. No matter what there will be a full line up of exciting tutors to learn from.
If you are interested in billeting a quilter, please check out the website to register your interest. This will help with accommodation squeezes, and parking to make sure as many people can attend as possible.
The organizing team is trying to make sure there are as little over-lapping classes as possible, especially for those classes that are multi-day.
The committee do not yet have a Human Resources coordinator so if you are interested in assisting with this, please contact them via the website.

Deborah also discussed the complexity of ‘originality’ within Quilts and encouraged us to take inspiration from quilts that we’ve seen but to bring our own flavour to our work, our own twist. There are many ways to do this so experiment and have fun.
Meeting Notes
We have been asked to make some more Dignity Quilts for the Wellington morgue as some have been misplaced or were so loved they were claimed. Keep an eye on the Newsletter for more information.
Crafty Threads of Aroha, formerly Crafty Volunteers, are in need of sewers. They are working with Bears of Love currently and would love you to join them.
We will be having fabric for sale at our meetings for the next few months. Next month will be half-meters.
Several members highly recommended a podcast: Haptic and Hues which explores the way in which cloth speaks to us and the impact it has on our lives.
Please enjoy our show and tell photographs