Meeting and membership information
We meet every second Monday of the month at Johnsonville Uniting Church, 18 Doctor Taylor Drive
Doors open from 6:30pm -Feel free to bring your dinner and eat with others and enjoy challenges and activities prior to the meeting start at 7:30pm
Meeting dates and speakers 2024
10 March - Jane Santos, Mosaic artist
14 April - Mary Self, Artist in residence at Botanical Gardens
12 May - Our AGM
9 June - Speaker TBC
14 July - Speaker TBC
11 August - Speaker TBC
8 September - Sinead O’Donnelly, co-ordinator for our Te Wai Bereavement quilts
13 October - Speaker TBC
10 November - Smita and the wonder of sari’s
8 December - Speaker TBC
What are the benefits of being a member?
Benefits include and are not limited too:
Access to our monthly meetings
Access to the extensive library
Entry to Block of the Month to learn a new skill each month
Priority access to classes
Discounted access to class
Access to other groups and meet-ups
Entry to exhibit in our exhibition
Unable to attend meetings? Consider becoming a newsletter member!
Newsletter members get:
Discounted membership
Copies of our newsletter
Priority access to classes
Discounted access to classes
Entry to exhibit in our exhibition
Newsletter members may come to meetings but are asked to pay the $4 visitor amount at the door as this is not covered in their membership
Membership costs
The membership year is 1 June to 31 May.
Annual subscriptions are due by 31 May each year.
The cost for 2024/25 is:
FULL membership $50.00
NEWSLETTER membership $25.00
JUNIOR membership $15.00 (under 18 years of age as at 1 April 2022)
HALF YEAR membership $25 (for membership November 2023-April 2024)
Membership form
If you would prefer a physical copy please download the below and submit to