Meeting and membership information

We meet every second Monday of the month at Johnsonville Uniting Church, 18 Doctor Taylor Drive

Doors open from 6:30pm -Feel free to bring your dinner and eat with others and enjoy challenges and activities prior to the meeting start at 7:30pm

‘Glory Box’ by Julie Hildreth


Meeting dates and speakers 2024

10 March - Jane Santos, Mosaic artist

14 April - Mary Self, Artist in residence at Botanical Gardens

12 May - Our AGM

9 June - Speaker TBC

14 July - Speaker TBC

11 August - Speaker TBC

8 September - Sinead O’Donnelly, co-ordinator for our Te Wai Bereavement quilts

13 October - Speaker TBC

10 November - Smita and the wonder of sari’s

8 December - Speaker TBC

What are the benefits of being a member?

Benefits include and are not limited too:

  • Access to our monthly meetings

  • Access to the extensive library

  • Entry to Block of the Month to learn a new skill each month

  • Priority access to classes

  • Discounted access to class

  • Access to other groups and meet-ups

  • Entry to exhibit in our exhibition

Unable to attend meetings? Consider becoming a newsletter member!

Newsletter members get:

  • Discounted membership

  • Copies of our newsletter

  • Priority access to classes

  • Discounted access to classes

  • Entry to exhibit in our exhibition

Newsletter members may come to meetings but are asked to pay the $4 visitor amount at the door as this is not covered in their membership


Membership costs

The membership year is 1 June to 31 May.
Annual subscriptions are due by 31 May each year.

The cost for 2024/25 is:

  • FULL membership $50.00

  • NEWSLETTER membership $25.00

  • JUNIOR membership $15.00 (under 18 years of age as at 1 April 2022)

  • HALF YEAR membership $25 (for membership November 2023-April 2024)

Membership form

If you would prefer a physical copy please download the below and submit to