Origami Christmas Tree Class

On the last weekend of May a group of keen Christmas sewers got together to learn how to make some adorable Christmas Trees that we were charmed by in our December show and tell

A fabric Christmas tree folded in an origami style and decorated with gems and beads

Helena Hawke ran the class for a mixture of pro sewers and a new sewer. There was a mix of hand sewing and machine sewing, all fairly simple steps with the main challenge being the origami style folding that creates the interest which attracted me to this piece.

For me the class was a fun exploration of the joys of hand sewing, and the twists of each piece was a brain teaser but satisfying to work out. The working out of colours to use was the cause of some laughter and collaboration. My classmates were fun and supportive. Helena was very knowledgeable with a clear teaching style. I especially had fun with the newer sewer in the group as we worked together to get the sewing machine working and learnt together.

None of us quite finished by time the class ended but the foundations were set and we were well on our way to finish at home. I’m now up to the decorations stage and am planning to make several more, maybe for gifts!


Patrica Armour


Fyvie Murray