Contour Lines Exhibition
Our 2021 Exhibition ‘Contour Lines’ opened at the Academy Galleries on 13 November. Boasting 83 quilts it was the largest we have had, and our hanging team had to think outside of the box to display as many as possible. This led to some being hung from the roof!
We also had a huge variety of quilts in both size and styles. And of course the quality was evident in every entry!
A huge thanks must go to our Exhibition committee who organised and re-scheduled two previous Exhibitions due to COVID. They worked tirelessly to get it off the ground, and set up for our enjoyment. Thank you to Fyvie Murray, Anna Hicks, Philippa Doyle and Marilyn Daly.
We are also incredibly grateful to our wonderful sponsors. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Our raffle winners were:
Quilt: Rachel Jewel-Hunter from Feilding
First fabric hamper- Alison Elliott from Queenstown
Second fabric hamper- Jannette Lillas from Upper Hutt
Our winners were:
Challenge Quilts:
Our members challenge was to make a panel depicting a New Zealand folk song.
1st Challenge- Paulina Mudgway ‘Blue Lady’
I found myself a blue lady
Runner up challenge- Jill Bowman ‘Wide winged bird’
At the end of the day, across a moonlight sky, comes a wide winged bird, sent to close my eyes
Viewers choice Award- Riet van Koeverden ‘Green Light’
I am waiting for it, that green light, I want it
Best in Show: Anna Prussing ‘There is a crack in everything’
Title from a song of of Leonard Cohen ‘there is a crack in everything… that’s how the light gets in.’ Made for my son Mathias Jordan who has spent many hard years to become a full time musician, letting the light in for everything.”
New & recycled fabrics, cotton batting. Quilted by Anna on a domestic machine
Life members award- Fyvie Murray ‘There are cats in my garden’
I began this quilt in Griet Lombard’s ‘Sparrow in my Garden’ class as a way to utilise unwanted table linens and embroidered cloths that no one uses anymore
Life members award- Amanda Evans ‘Kaleidoscope’
When our sons were little a favourite in the Christmas stocking was always a Kaleidoscope. there were hours of fun to be had with it pressed to one eye, making new patterns. When one of them saw this new quilt he declared “it’s the best kaleidoscope ever!” Happy days..
Life members award- Trish O’Kane ‘Rangi pai āpōpō- good weather tomorrow’
A big storm eases. The sky has cleared, wind is dropping, sea is still running strongly. Tomorrow will be a great day for sailing, possibly fishing. Made for friends who live in Russell and gaze east to the Bay of Islands. Machine-pieced curved-seam oblongs in strips, couched thread quilting
Life members award- Fyvie Murray ‘Improvisation II’
Quilt based on rectangles divided into triangles, trapezoids and lines with the occasional circle. The process was improvisational with sections being shifted around until a satisfying outcome was achieved. Uses silks from a bridal gown, cocktail dresses and lingerie.
Life members award & Academy Choice- ‘Glory Box’ by Julie Hildreth
Now is the special occasion on which to showcase the beautiful tea towels and fabric items my Mum Elaine stashed in her glory box to use only for ‘best’. My favourite, the pink tea towel I bought with favourite sayings Mum often said. Made in loving memory of Mum xx from upcycled tea towels, fabric items and Kaffe Fasset fabric purchased in an op shop
Life Members Choice- Kay Coolbear ‘Alcea Rosea (Hollyhock)’
Started in a class with Camilla Watson in 2015. My first art quilt. Finished during August 2021 Lockdown. I loved the design process and how that translated in my choice of fabrics
‘Alcea Rosea (Hollyhock)’ by Kay Coolbear
‘In the (green) garden’ by Fay Holdom
Justine Samson Award- Fay Holdom ‘In the (green) garden’
I live green and gardens and the combination of these attracted me to this quilt pattern. This is my version of Julie van der Putten’s pattern ‘In the garden’ with the first block started at a Symposium. It has been beautifully quilted by Rayna Clinton.
Judges choice- Margaret Robinson ‘Ben’s Landscape’
This is the next in a series of 21st quilts for my late cousins grandchildren. Ben is now a qualified surveyor, and the earth toned fabrics with the contour lines quilted on it by Hannah seemed appropriate. But he likes the rugby players on the reverse side! The design is by Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr
Judges choice- Frances Velvin ‘Blessings’
Based on a series by McKenna Ryan, I designed a further 3 blocks and sampler sashing to complete a unified design. Soft tones and low contrast conveys a sense of serenity and quiet confidence that God’s blessing bring -faith, hope, love, peace and joy
First time entrant- Trish O’Kane ‘Tutukiwi (Pterostylis banksii)’
Tutikiwi is a small green-hooded native orchid with wonderful curving dorsal and lateral depals. Started 40 years ago from photos in a native NZ plants books. It spent many years in cupboards, due to tricky and complex piecing. Breakthroughs? A WQG UFO weekend, STARCH and Hanna Dowsett’s key message: Never give up
Excellence in Hand quilting- Catherine Croucher ‘Boro exercise’
Clare Smith’s boro class involves putting two layers of patches on a foundation then cutting to reveal the glowing layer underneath, instead of leaving things raw-edged, I added visible mending. Blocks of running stitch look like a veil floating over a secret opening or protection over a wound
Machine Quilting- Claire Hodgson ‘(Miss Porters Quilt) Verdigris’
This pattern by Di Ford is a reproduction of an 18th century quilt from the American Quilt Museum in Bath, UK. I chose to construct this and quilt it in 3 sections to make the quilting easier. The quilting designs are all original.
Merit in Machine Quilting- Jane Stewart Dickson ‘Single Irish Chain with Feathers’
Started in April 2017 when my husband went to the US for a four week course and I was home alone. I fancied making an irish chain quilt for myself and enjoyed the piecing and colour arrangement, Deciding to quilt a free motion feather pattern turned out to be bigger job than anticipated. Finally finished in Lockdown April 2020
Best Traditional- Gillian Kissling ‘Magnitude of Love’
A wedding quilt for our daughter. Constructed with English paper pieces, symbolising the connectedness of friends and family extending the love and support. Working from centre out, I felt it needed something strong and steady to frame it and my friend Claire Hodgson came up with the idea of hanging diamonds, my favourite part of the quilt.
Excellence in Applique & the People’s Choice Award- Amanda Evans ‘Summer Garland’
I’d been making flower garlands to wear to music festivals and decided to make one for our bed too. Using blossoms and leaves from our garden, I chose this very raw edged applique to capture the rough and wild beauty of the flowers and plants where we feel most at home.
Merit in applique- Helena Hawke ‘Plenty’
‘Plenty’ is a reference to its fruits and flowers. Also to the skills I needed and to the help and encouragement which kept me going.
Excellence in piecing- Anne Buckell ‘Liberty Hexagons’
I was gifted some 1” lozenge EPP blocks by Barbara Johnston. After much indecision, I assembled them and added 50% more hexies (2270 in total). I felt button quilting was more suitable for such a small piece rather than stitching, Having said I’d never have the patience to work with 1” hexies, I became hooked and really enjoyed the challenge of making a small quilt from left over blocks.
Merit in piecing- Christine Singleton ‘Galaxy’
I’m happy to have finally finished this quilt. It was started over 5 years ago using fabric from my precious batik collection. It also has batiks acquired from a friends collection from after she passed away, making it extra special. Pattern from Caliente Quilts by Priscilla Bianchi
Best Contempary & merit in hand-quilting- Catherine Croucher ‘Ghost Quilt’
This is about psychotherapy. Don’t get hooked on the therapist. The quilting is an analogy for life: trying to make progress in small increments, obstacles getting in the way of your rhythm and the final goal a long way off. Also things can get hairy
Excellence in upcycled- Philippa Doyle ‘Homes & Hospitality’
Remembering the homes and amazing hospitality of my parents through our favourite foods my mother made for us. This special memory quilt made from her ‘posh’ tablecloth and their clothes bring my whanau much joy.
Excellence in Use of colour- Frances Velvin ‘Blue sky through autumn leaves’
One of life’s little pleasures is to lie in the thick bed of autumn leaves and look up through branches to a clear blue sky. What joy the colours of autumn bring, to sustain us until the fresh green buds of spring appear. Begun in a honeycomb Spin class with Anna Hicks.
Merit in use of colour- Margaret Robinson ‘Esther’s swimming waves’
21st birthday quilt for my cousins granddaughter Esther, who is a budding marine biologist. Made from Jenny Bowker’s Shimmering Stars pattern and quilted with waves by Sue B’s quilting services.
And, of course, what everyone wants to see- the quilts that were entered into Contour Lines Exhibition
Our friends at Speldhurst Quilters Guild have also made a video featuring these quilts.