2021 Blocks of the Month
Below is the list of all Block of the Months presented in 2021.
Summer sunflower, presented by Justine Samson
Scrap dash stars by Celia Eddy, presented by Margaret Pitt
Sharp Arrows
Kaleidoscope presented by Fyvie Murray
Shoo fly
Four crossed corners, presented by Adrienne Howard
Ski trip designed by Tricia Lee Maloney
Blue Scraps, Half Square Triangles presented by Jocelyn
Vintage Arrows- a different fabric choice for a favourite block this year
Finished quilt-tops!
While it is common for a Block of the Month quilt to take quite some time to complete, sometimes we get to see completed ones back in time to pop up. Below are some flimsy’s for your enjoyment.
What is a flimsy?
This is a name given to quilt tops that haven’t yet been assembled into a ‘quilt sandwich’ ready for the top-stitching.
Vintage Arrows flimsy completed and presented at the February 2022 meeting
Shoo fly flimsy completed and presented in the February 2022 meeting
Scrap Dash Stars flimsy completed and presented at the March 2022 meeting