2020 Blocks of the Month

Below are the Block of the Months presented in 2020. Unfortunately Covid disruptions made it a lean year, but this simply gave a chance to make more blacks for larger quilts!

Watermelon Wine Disappearing 9 Patch

Watermelon Wine Disappearing 9 Patch

Watermelon wine disappearing 9 patch

Downloadable link

Folded Pinwheel block on the display wall

Folded Pinwheel block on the display wall

Folded pinwheels

Downloadable link available

Diagram showing a purple strips block

Diagram showing a purple strips block

Purple strips, presented by Judi Ferguson

Downloadable link available

Friendship stars on the display wall

Friendship stars on the display wall

Friendship stars

Downloadable link available

Cathedral windows blocks

Cathedral windows blocks

Cathedral window

Downloadable link available

Split cabin logs in a possible configuration

Split cabin logs in a possible configuration

Split log cabin

Downloadable link available

Tula on a square shows Tula pink fabrics set in a square block

Tula on a square shows Tula pink fabrics set in a square block

Mini Christmas tree block

Mini Christmas tree block

Mini Christmas tree

Downloadable link available


2021 Blocks of the Month


2019 Blocks of the Month