Wonderful tapestries
When tapestries sing!
The wonderful Polly Lind showcased her tapestries and shared a wonderful story about the myth behind one in particular -Cerridwen. If you ever have the chance to hear Polly tell a story please take it, she uses words as well as she uses fabrics.
We were treated to another story as well, the one behind the Fetchfolk, her beautiful soft toys with perfectly tailored outfits complete with little items in their pockets. Each one takes many hours to make and the quality is evident. These little guys are a luxury treat to be cared for over years, and each comes with a certificate of authenticity that contains their story. We got to meet Mr Nicolas James Renarde. His story included some fashion history about Zoot suits, and the racial history behind them resulting in a brutal riot.
Polly told us her adventures with Chromesthesia, also called ‘colour hearing’. When she was making her first scene where the stitching was to match the fabric she found herself listening to the colours against the sample to hear what sounds complimented each other. This unique strategy for colour matching may not be one we can re-create but it definitely worked for her!
We also had another wonderful show and tell. The challenge was for black and gold quilts which we apparently do not make much of! We’ll have better luck at the next meeting!