Quilting gadgets anonymous
Our scheduled speaker had to postpone until later so our president Judi bought in a sample of her quilting gadgets for an impromptu confession time. We had a lot of laughs as Judi pulled out more and more items. From very specific rulers to foundation piecing stamps, and cutting boards with channels for slip-free cutting, she probably has the tool for the job!
In fact, that’s her philosophy -sometimes you want to do something but you don’t have the right ruler, whereas Judi will have the right one! They’ll be really useful when she needs them.
It was an enjoyable display that sparked discussions about what other gadgets people use that are helpful, feel good about their own excess collections and gave people ideas on how to grow their own collections.
We also had a wonderful show and tell, with plenty for refuge, and we even had our visitors from South Africa show some of the works they’ve been doing to relax while visiting New Zealand!