Crafting Threads of Aroha
Kay Coolbear spoke to us about the charity Crafting Threads of Aroha. This wonderful charity works in the wider Wellington region to bring together knitters, crocheters and sewers to make for charitable causes. Their committee reaches out to groups and asks what they’ll likely need in the near future. When items, amounts and deadlines are known the volunteers jump into action and provide.
Charities they work with include Foster Hope, Nest Collective, Woman’s Refuge, Knitted Knockers and KidsCan amoung many others.
They are always looking for new volunteers and you can sign up by emailing
Some specific patterns will be available shortly. The team are always looking for the following items in any pattern:
Baby cardigans 0-12 months
Baby singlets 0-6 months
Baby booties 0-6 months
Fingerless gloves for adults (men and women)
Adult sized slippers (for women)
Blankets of all sizes from bassinet to double bed size
We also had a wonderful show and tell with a lot of Refuge quilts coming in!